Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy

All staff are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our students. This  policy exists to protect students from abuse through these main elements:

1. Prevention through creating a positive school atmosphere
2. Anti-bullying and safeguarding assemblies
3. Identifying signs of abuse
4. Supporting children who have been abused
5. Providing students with opportunities to positively express their feelings and emotions
6. In case of suspected child abuse, class teacher will report the case to the Division Principal, who will refer the case to the school doctor for investigation. A Child Protection Referral Form will be filled out by the school doctor.

Parents must serve their children’s emotional and physical needs and protect them from any type of abuse. Additionally, parents must meet their children’s basic needs for food, clothing, housing, medical care, and education. According to the Egyptian Child Protection Law: ‘’Article 7 bis (a): Subject to the duties and rights of the child’s care guardian, and the right to legally permissible discipline, the child shall not be deliberately subjected to any harmful or unlawful physical harm or practice. The relevant Subcommittee on Child Protection may take action in violation of the previous paragraph.

At the NG Early Childhood Division, we believe that children respond well in a safe and loving environment, where they can make mistakes and learn from them.

  • We have a culture of mutual respect and positivity amongst teachers and students.

  • We want our students to be intrinsically motivated when it comes to making good choices.

  • Our teachers are well trained on the principles of positive discipline and behavior modification.

  • They facilitate the environment to allow for solving problems, resolving conflicts and making good choices.

  • We focus on our core values and provide a multitude of assemblies and activities for students to have a deeper meaning of our values and apply them to real life situations.

  • We also have an on-campus Behavior Counselor who supports teachers daily and provides tips and tricks for parents and teachers to follow.