News - Cognia Letter

Dear Parents,

“Excellence in education is when we do everything we can to make sure they become everything they can.”

Carol Ann Tomlinson

Throughout its seventeen years of operation, New Generation International Schools has successfully worked unceasingly towards the school’s improvement plan. At the core of all school decisions, year after year, NG has steadily climbed the ladder of success. As we climb that ladder, we become more powerful and more successful.

Over the years, our accreditation bodies, COGNIA and Middle State Association (MSA) standards and expectations have defined and rated our levels of success. Consequently, not only have we received a 7-year accreditation by MSA, but this year, in March 2022, we also earned our fourth, highly distinguished accreditation from COGNIA.

Cognia provides the Index of Education Quality (IEQ) as a holistic measure of overall performance based on a comprehensive set of standards and review criteria. The IEQ comprises the Standards Diagnostic ratings from the three Domains: Leadership Capacity, Learning Capacity, and Resource Capacity. The IEQ results are reported on a scale of 100 to 400 and provide information about how the institution is performing compared to expected criteria. Institutions should review the IEQ in relation to the Findings from the review in the areas of Initiate, Improve, and Impact. An IEQ score below 250 indicates that the institution has several areas within the Initiate level and should focus their improvement efforts on those Standards within that level. An IEQ in the range of 225–300 indicates that the institution has several Standards within the Improve level and is using results to inform continuous improvement and demonstrate sustainability. An IEQ of 275 and above indicates the institution is beginning to reach the Impact level and is engaged in practices that are sustained over time and are becoming ingrained in the culture of the institution.

I am proud to report that New Generation International Schools received an outstanding, above average score of 369/400. Furthermore, the average (range) score of all Cognia Improvement Network (CIN) institutions, that were evaluated for accreditation in the last five years, has been somewhere between 278 and 283. Significantly, out of the 30 COGNIA accreditation standards indicators, New Generation International Schools scored 4/4 in 26 indicators and 3/4 in 4 indicators.

The Engagement Review Team identified several themes that demonstrate strengths:

New Generation International Schools is governed by a highly effective board of owners and key members.
Leaders guide professional staff in a school wide culture of continuous improvement.
All professional staff participate in a structured and ongoing PLC.
New Generation International Schools provides a supportive, equitable, and balanced learning environment conducive to the academic, social, emotional, and behavioral growth of students.
School resources are strategically used to fulfill the school’s mission and direction.

Areas for further consideration to guide the improvement journey:

The school is creating a formal parent organization to enhance stakeholder involvement and feedback.
The school continues its collection, use, and analysis of current and longitudinal data on newer school initiatives.

I would like to congratulate our NG community on this marvelous score. After all, New Generation is not a school that talks the talk, but it is surely and obviously a school that walks the talk.