Students will be willing to tolerate the existence of opinions or behavior that they disagree with. They will understand and accept the different ideals and beliefs of others.

Students will think in an optimistic way, looking for solutions, expecting good results and success, and focusing to make life happier. They will depend on doing and achieving, not on […]

Students will treat others fairly, be trustworthy, honor their commitments, and be environmentally aware. Responsibility infuses itself into all aspects of their lives – athletics, giving others opportunities to shine, […]

Students will possess a clear vision, be courageous, have integrity, honesty, and humility. They will be able to inspire others to do what they never thought they could.

Students will lead a multi-dimensional and dynamic life. They will be intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually balanced. They will appreciate and respect different cultures and histories.

Students will always be ready to lend a hand or an ear whenever they are needed or notice an opportunity to help. They will be able to coexist with others […]