News - Welcome Back to School! 21-22

Welcome to the 2021-22 Academic School Year!

On behalf of our school administration and faculty, we wish you a year full of productivity and success!
I am eager to see and meet with all our students and families back in school. I hope that you have
had the chance to relax and spend time with family and friends. Our faculty and school administration
are working hard in preparing to welcome students for the 2021-22 academic school year. Despite
the existing restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our goals continue to focus on providing
students with an exceptional educational experience where they will thrive academically, intellectually,
and socially, based on every student’s interest and needs. Learning will take place on campus for all
grade levels
starting September, 14th.

As integral NG members, I would like to share with you the
following announcements:

1- First Day of School (as per Ministry of Education (MOE) announcement)

First Day of SchoolGrade Level
Tuesday, September 14thKGII
Grades 4 & 5
Grades 8 & 9
Wednesday, September 15thKGI
Grade 3
Grades 7 & 10
Thursday, September, 16th Grades 1 & 2
Grades 6,11 & 12

2- School Hours: 7:30-3:00

  • Bus students are dismissed at 2:50
  • Car students are dismissed during the following times:
    – Kindergarten & Elementary at 2:00
    – Middle & High School at 2:35

3- Parent Orientation

DateDivisionGeneral & Division
Meet Your
August, 31stKindergarten
Elementary School
September, 1stMiddle School
High School

Maintaining a safe environment is always our top priority. As a result, we will continue to follow all
health and safety rules as mentioned in our “Health & Safety” guide. Please discuss and practice with
your child all COVID-19 health and safety recommendations:

  • Cleaning hands often, either with soap and water for 20 seconds or a hand sanitizer that
    contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoiding any contact with people who are sick.
  • Maintaining social distancing.
  • Covering mouths and noses with a mask when around others.

Please make sure to keep in touch with us by opting in, continuously, for school emails, RenWeb
and Entrepreware
announcements, visiting the New Generation International School Website, or by
following us on social media. On Instagram, we are @ngegypt, and on Facebook @New Generation
International Schools.

Please feel free to send me an email at any time should you have questions or

NG faculty will strive to excel in providing learning opportunities that will allow students to be
connected, challenged, and productive in their growth and development. Our vision will continue to
guide our mission to bring forth competent citizens who can make a difference.
On behalf of our staff, we look forward to a successful, memorable, and rewarding school year

Yours in Education,
Mrs. Nairy Simon, M. Ed
School Principal